Which Network? – New Feature

Which Network? - New Feature

New Affiliate Network Details

The Publisher Discovery platform is driven by our users' needs - and that is all about making the task of identifying and recruiting the most relevant and valuable new publishers that much easier.

Based on user requests we've been working on several new features and have just launched a new feature to enhance the most powerful affiliate finder available. This new functionality shows which networks or tracking each publisher is connected to as in this view:

My Vertical - Networks

The number in the circle shows how many connections we've identified and clicking on the arrow shows which ones. There are over 250 networks and tracking systems that we index in the platform and this feature enables you to gain some useful insights into each publisher.

You'll see whether the publisher is just linking to a few networks - or is more connected and working across a wider range. More importantly, you can identify whether a publisher already has a relationship with your network.


Bloggers and Influencers

In some sectors such as fashion, it will also help our users identify where a publisher is connected just to a blogger resource such as Skimlinks or Rewardstyle. Obviously reaching out to this type of publisher will need a very different approach than to somebody you can identify on your own network.

Affiliate Networks Close Up

That’s not to say that they wouldn’t be open to a direct relationship with your own brand. It’s always worth reaching out to discuss - even if they only interact with your program through Skimlinks!


You'll also notice we've made a change to the way emails are appearing in the app. You'll see that where a particular address is identified as Sales or Editorial, that appears under the email as you can see here.

Contact Info Close Up

Future Developments

There are more refinements coming in the development pipeline but do feel free to send your feedback on any ways you think this could be made even more useful. As a user of our app, we want to make sure it does exactly what you need to make the job of recruiting affiliates easier.

Share your ideas and thoughts - and any feedback to us in an email to the team at:  support@publisherdiscovery.com

We look forward to hearing from you.


The Publisher Discovery Team

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