The Publisher Discovery platform is driven by our users' needs - and that is all about making the task of identifying and recruiting the most relevant and valuable new publishers that much easier.
Based on user requests we've been working on several new features and have launched them all under the new look of our app!
Publisher Notes
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Publisher Notes feature! This has been requested by several of our users so we really hope you like it.
In the Affiliate Details panel you will now see a Notes section, in which you can add a note to any affiliate. You can input any information you like in here, whether it be that you would like to reach out to them in the future, or you are awaiting a response from them.
To see all your Affiliate Notes in one place, you can navigate to the Notes view in the side menu and this will show you a list of all the affiliates you've added notes to. You can also filter this list on the date the Note was added or updated.
Another innovation in the platform is our new Recommendations tool. This looks through the 3,500,000 affiliate websites we see and assesses them, partly based on the advertisers they are linking to and the keywords discovered.
All the affiliate websites presented to you in this new feature will have contact details as you can see in the example; plus social accounts where available. You just need to reach out and invite them to work with you – simple as that. Just go to the Recommendations view in the app.
You can find out in more detail how it works and how the recommendations are generated in our blog post.
Keywords and Keyword Search
Keywords are a very important part in how we provide the results to you in the Publisher Discovery app, so we thought, why not make the information available to our users.
You can now see what keywords and affiliate is ranking for, and also search for any others that may be relevant.
This is the first iteration of this feature and we hope to expand on it in the near future.
Affiliate Network Search
Last month we announced the launch of our Affiliate Network feature (it's explained here in more detail in case you missed it), well we have listened to your feedback and released some improvements.
You can now filter your search results by Affiliate Network, and you can also search for other Affiliate Networks that an affiliate may be working with.
This feature has been requested many times, so we really hope you find it useful in your search for new affiliates.
Contacts Search
Last month we also added the data around the job role of contacts in the app. We have enhanced this further by not only increasing the number of contacts dramatically but also by allowing you to search through these contacts - a perfect solution if you can't quite remember someone's name!

Feature Requests
The Publisher Discovery team are always working hard to make improvements to the app, but sometimes we might miss an idea. If you have any suggestions or feature requests, please feel free to submit the below - we'd love to hear your ideas!
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