Finding Quality Shopping Affiliates

The pandemic has meant a big growth for many online shopping, with Statista reporting that two billion people bought goods or services online in 2020 - and e-retail passed US$4.2 Trillion. They also project that ecommerce will account for 21.8% of all global retail sales by 2024.
Huge Move Online
During the last year, with the forced closure of many smaller high street retail premises due to covid19, their owners have made a move to online in ever increasing numbers.
The massive expansion in specialist tracking specifically for this influx of SME, such as Awin Access and Tradedoubler Grow has brought a big influx of online merchants brand new to the affiliate market. The biggest question for a large proportion of them is "where can I find affiliate partners?".
It is of course toughest of all for smaller and newer merchants and advertisers. Established retailers have a track record, known ABVs and conversions, datafeeds in place and a track record, which affiliates will need. So new entrants will need to pay a higher % of basket to even get a look in and share of affiliate attention. If that sounds like you, then you need to download our 35 Top Tips; check out the Affiliate 101 as well.
Finding by Keyword
Our handy Chrome Extension is a very handy tool for researching which websites in your Google keywords results are affiliates. It alerts you with our logo in the results to show websites using affiliate links - as below.
This can be effective, as they already have relevant content, so your product should naturally give them a better conversion to sale.

The Chrome extension saves hours of working out whether websites that figure on your keywords in search results are using affiliate links. The Octopus shows you in real time - see more on the Chrome Extension >
How to find relevant shopping affiliates?
The job of finding new and relevant shopping affiliates - with good audiences is not easy. Publisher Discovery has been built specifically to take the hard graft out of finding new affiliates in any vertical - as you can see with the Chrome extension example.
Find live affiliates with Publisher Discovery
This selection of affiliates is directly from the Publisher Discovery platform and are all link-active. Take a free trial and dig into the advertiser partnerships, social links and contact them directly to recruit them.
In your 7-day trial you will be able to:
- search through thousands of relevant and link-active affiliates
- understand their marketing activities
- see which ones are promoting competitors, and
- create a Gap Analysis against your own program.
Here's a few to start you off - there are literally thousands more affiliates in the platform...
Publisher Website | Partners | Contacts | Social | Relevance | |
---|---|---|---|---|---| | 73 | 31 | 91 | || | 30 | 73 | Y | 90 | | | 187 | 12 | 90 | || | 78 | 7 | Y | 87 | | | 139 | 10 | 85 |
Filter for more relevant results in each vertical niche:
- Shopping
- Wedding >
...and find thousands of potential affiliate partners by geo or by network, down to your most relevant prospects.
Have 7-Days on us -
we really want you to connect
with the best shopping affiliate partners!

Shopping Publisher Spotlight
Read the interview with Warrick Lambert and the team at Redu, publishers across multiple properties including ashleigh money saver.
Publisher Spotlight
Read other posts on affiliates across differing vertical sectors and promotional types, how they managed the effects of the global pandemic and their plans for the future.