Taking Ownership of Publisher Growth Webinar – 13 August

TUNE + Publisher Discovery: Taking Ownership of Publisher Growth
This joint webinar by TUNE and Publisher Discovery on publisher growth tackled the issues around growing your affiliate program in a conversation between Brian Marcus of TUNE and Chris Tradgett.
It's no longer enough to 'set and forget' a new program; affiliate managers need to be always looking for opportunities to find and engage with new publisher partners - and even new types of partners to stay ahead.
View the recording
In this webinar you'll learn:
• How to build an operating rhythm for consistent, valuable publisher growth
• Challenges that may be slowing or stopping your partnership pipeline
• How recruiting and onboarding fit into the larger lifecycle of relationship management
• Strategies for analyzing and optimizing your base of publishers, affiliates, and partners
• The technology solutions that make publisher growth a simple, seamless process
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